Thursday, June 4, 2015

Definition Poem

The __________

What is ______?
Its mouth, devours everything in its path;
Its body, able to grow to heights of even the tallest trees;
Its legs, impossible to outrun;
Its arms, able to reach almost anything;
It wears bright clothes of blue, red and orange;
Its breath can be gentle and welcoming, but also scary and deadly;
Its mind, selfish and hungry;
Its face is scary but can be the most amazing thing to look at;
Its feet, silent and powerful;
It makes almost no noise, but when it does it is familiar to the ear;
It becomes born easily, but doesn't die so easily...

By: Ethan E
June / 4 / 2015


  1. I like the way you put many describing words in your poem! I like that it was a little hard to guess what the subject was.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like how you used personification
