Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Graphic Organizers - Religion and Renaissance

Religion Graphic Organizer -

Star 1 - It was only main points, we didn't write notes, and we only had pictures and titles for the pictures.
Star 2 - It was very simple and not complicated, making it easy for our audience to follow along.

Wish - I wish that we had added a few more pictures, I would wish too  improve on this because this would've made it even easier for the audience to follow along with our speech.

Renaissance Graphic Organizer -

Self Assessment - I don't think that I did as well as I could have done on this project. When writing down points, I didn't put it into point form. I just wrote whatever I had in my notes (which was full sentences). I put in a couple of graphic organizers (charts, venn diagrams) and a few visuals. I think that I should've added more graphic organizers. I think that it was decently organized, although I didn't add any colour/colour coding(besides the visuals).

Deserved Grade - C+ - B
I think that I deserve this  because I only used a couple of graphic organizers and I didn't colour code it. My project also doesn't look that appealing. Although it has organization and at least has some graphic organizers. It also has a few visuals. I'm pretty sure that I only followed the criteria a little bit. I referred to it at times where I didn't know what to put, although or the most part I kind of winged it.
I learned that the more effort that you put into a graphic organizer (or anything), it's going to look and be a lot better. I learned that you shouldn't wait until last minute to finish it because it won't be as good as if you started it earlier. For what the graphic organizers were for, I was more proud of my religion graphic organizer because we used colours and visual aid. I also didn't procrastinate on my religion poster and I honestly think that I put more effort into it.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you used 2 types of graphs. Agh! You have forgotten to add the learning purpose/intention of the 2 graphs! Not to be picky but, thou hast forgotten about Shakespeare in your literature section...
